Received the Doha Film Institute Spring Grant 2017
On a quest to remember, Shaza returns to her hometown of Alexandria, a decision triggered by the recent loss of her grandfather. Having suffered from a deficient autobiographical memory syndrome all her life, Shaza only knows stories of the past. She uses a camera as a tool to inspire remembrance by recreating old memories in the once- familiar spaces of Alexandria, only to realise the city itself is losing its own memory. This personal struggle is mirrored in the collective memory of the city as Shaza explores the elusive realms of remembrance and oblivion, with their distorted and multiple versions. ‘Mnemosyne’ blurs the borders between different formats and mediums: documentary and fiction, science and myth, cinema and visual art, the personal and the collective.
Doha Film Institute selects 29 film projects from 16 countries for Spring Grants 2017