of sheep and men (2017)
78 min - Documentary
The film presents a slice-of-life tale of sheep and men with the story of two Algerians, a young boy and a middle-aged man, who have a common interest in sheep. Their well-knit story offers a portrait of the current status of the Algerian society following the Arab Spring.
Director: Karim SayadDoha Film Institute- Fall Grant
Point of View Magazine: http://povmagazine.com/articles/view/review-of-sheep-and-men
The Film Stage: https://thefilmstage.com/reviews/tiff-review-of-sheep-and-men
Get Real Movies: https://getreelmovies.com/tiff-2017-of-sheep-and-men-film-review/
Cineuropa: http://www.cineuropa.org/nw.aspx?t=newsdetail&l=en&did=334411