The Actors
Ahmed Ghozzi
After graduating from the University of Leeds in the UK, Ghozzi returned to Egypt and played several roles in TV. He made his breakthrough in the international industry when he was cast in the Netflix series THE CROWN as the young Saudi businessman and arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.

His latest movie, EL HAREEFA, earned him audience and critical acclaim for his iconic role as Sheshtawy — a football player on an underdog team. Additionally, Ghozzi captivated viewers with his portrayal of Saad in the historical saga EL HASHASHIN during the Ramadan 2024 season. Ghozzi is currently on set for the off-season Watch It original series DAWAAE AL SAFAR.

What's the best advice you have ever been given - or given to others?
The best advice I’ve been given was to never let go of my dreams no matter how hard and tough the journey is. Have faith in God and move passionately.

What has been your biggest setback/hurdle?
My biggest setback was myself. I struggle with myself so much at times, but I come back stronger with plenty of lessons learned.

What is the biggest misunderstanding about the Arab World and/or its entertainment industry?
That we’re not seen as capable. And it also seems like the West is trying to only portray us in a negative light. We are all human, we are all capable, and we are all equal, but most of the time that is forgotten.

What will have the greatest game-changing effect on Arab cinema?
When International producers start to really believe that there is a lot of potential in the Arab World and that we do have several talented artists. When my generation gets a chance to step into the light, that will be a game changer, too.

How do you recognize real talent?
Real talent reveals itself. It reaches the heart and touches the depth of the soul. When real talent shows up, it lights up the place and hypnotizes the eye. This is how I recognize it.