Noel received a residency fellowship for the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris in 2021. She also played the lead role In LES CHENILLES.
Michelle co-wrote the screenplay for CAPERNAUM (2018) along with director Nadine Labaki. In 2019, she received a residency scholarship for the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris.

Their thirty-minute short debut LES CHENILLES, the story of two Arab immigrant women living in France who meet as waitresses in Lyon and tentatively become friends, won the Golden Berlin Bear in 2022.

What character do you identify with?
I relate to many characters. I'd rather not pick one only, so none of them gets "mad" at me.

Who’s your hero?
I grew up with an incredible father, so I would say him.

What’s the industry’s most troubling trend?
Portraying a mostly glamourous image of the field can be misleading. Imperfections and challenges are valuable parts of the creative process.

2024 will be the year that MENA finally does what?
Hopefully, more collaborations on impactful projects that span across various disciplines, including cinema.

What was your first job?
Making crêpes in a restaurant in Lebanon.

What’s your secret daily habit or guilty pleasure?
Watching pop music videos for hours. They inspire me in a very particular way.

What’s the last great show or film you watched?

What would have been your dream job if you didn’t end up doing what you’re doing?
Writing novels.

What character do you identify with?
I tend to identify with lonely characters (but there’s no one specific in my mind right now).

Who’s your hero?
My parents.

What’s the industry’s most troubling trend?
The fast-paced production and marketing of films often prioritize speed over the slower pace of the creative process.

2024 will be the year that MENA finally does what?
If it’s a wish, then my unrealistic answer would be to have some peace. Realistically, the situation is much more complex.

What was your first job?
Surveying people on the streets for statistical purposes.

What’s your secret daily habit or guilty pleasure?
Indulging in elaborate daydreams of hypothetical situations that have no practical purpose or benefit.

What’s the last great show or film you watched?
A feature animation film that is based on three Murakami novels called BLIND WILLOW, SLEEPING WOMAN by Pierre Földes.

What would have been your dream job if you didn’t end up doing what you’re doing?
A comic book artist.